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Management of Social Welfare

Ümraniye Belediyesi - Sosyal Yardım İşleri Müdürlüğü 03.04.2007 tarih ve 45 sayılı Meclis Kararı ile kurulmuştur.
Sosyal Yardım İşleri Müdürlüğü'nün "Misyonu" gerçekten çaresiz durumdaki kişilerin bulundukları yerde tespit edilmesini sağlamak ve gerekli yardımların yapılmasını sağlamaktır. ihtiyaçları için.

Bakıma ve yardıma ihtiyacı olan herkesin kötü gününde elinden tutmak, ihtiyaç duyduğu anda Belediye olarak elimizden geleni yapmak "vizyonu"dur.
Yetim çocuklar, kimsesiz yaşlılar, dul kadınlar, engelli anneleri, şehit aileleri yardımlarda önceliğimizdir. Çok zor koşullar altında yaşamlarını sürdürmeye çalışan, hiçbir desteği kalmayan, yakınları tarafından ziyaret edilmeyen, çağrılmayan, tüm fırsat kapıları kapatılarak tüm umutlarını tamamen kaybetmiş yalnız insanlar... Tutuklanıyorlar tarafımızca büyük saygıyla karşılanmaktadır.
Dikkatle üzerinde durduğumuz yardımlarımızla, yardıma muhtaç aileleri buluşturmak öncelikli misyonumuzdur.

İnsanların ihtiyaç duydukları insani yardımları onlara ulaştırarak onurlu bir yaşam sunmanın gönüllüsüyüz.
Bu amaçla, insanları yardıma bağımlı hale getiren, mağdur eden her türlü operasyonun önlenmesi amacıyla, halkımızın insanca yaşama hakkına katkı sağlayacak gerekli çalışmaları sürdürmek; Değişen dünyada değişmeyen tüm değerlerin sürdürülebilir olmasını sağlamak da misyonlarımız arasındadır; ve her zaman ve her yerde iyiliğin sürdürülmesinde lider olmaktır. Mağdurların sesi olmak tek dileğimiz. Kırık kolunuzun takma dişi, sandalyenizin tekerleği, sofranızın sıcak çorbası, yüzünüzün gülümsemesi olmak yegâne mutluluğumuzdur. Bu konulardaki tüm incelemeleri büyük bir titizlikle yapmak, Belediye Başkanlığına gelen tüm başvuruları titizlikle değerlendirmek, incelenen konuyu tek yönlü değil her yönüyle araştırmak, diğer kurum ve kuruluşlarla iletişim halinde olmak, Sosyal Yardımlar Müdürlüğü Affairs bugüne kadar yürüttüğü projelere ilişkin gelişmiş ve detaylı bir veri tabanına sahiptir. Bu verileri her yıl güncelliyoruz.

Bugün camiamızda sona ermek üzere olan işbirliği ve dayanışma bilincini sürdürmek en büyük hedefimizdir. Bir inançla çıktığımız bu yolda, kardeşlik bilinciyle, dünyada adaleti hakim kılmak, iyiliği yaymak, kötülüğü önlemek için, nerede olursa olsun tüm çaresiz ve mazlumlar için çaba harcadık. Sosyal Yardım İşleri Müdürlüğü 2007 yılında belirlediği hedefleri oldukça aşmıştır. Birim içi vatandaş memnuniyeti, diğer birimlerin memnuniyeti ve yönetici memnuniyeti ile birim içi iş memnuniyeti belirlenen hedefin oldukça üzerindedir.

Sosyal Refah İşleri Müdürlüğünün Faaliyet Kapsamı

Sosyal Yardım İşleri Müdürlüğü'nün üç ana faaliyet alanı bulunmaktadır. Bunlar:
1-Sosyal Yardım Fonu;
- Giyim Yardımı
- Gıda Yardımı
- Nakit Yardım - Bebek
Bezi ve Tek Kullanımlık Alt Bezi Temini
- Muayene, Tahlil-Gözlem ve İlaç Yardımı
Cam Yardımı Ekmek Kupon Yardımı Normal ve akülü tekerlekli sandalye yardımı Erişilebilir Araç Hizmeti Toplu Düğünler Sünnet Yardımları Şura Kararı 2- Aşevi; Ramazan Ayında Sıcak Yemek Dağıtımı Akşam Yemekleri 3-Giyim Mağazası; İhtiyaç sahibi ailelere kıyafet dağıtımı



Provident Fund
The Provident Fund of Ümraniye Municipality was founded on 01.04.2004, in accordance with the terms stated in the 15th article of the Municipality Law No. 1580, for the purpose of relief after detection of aidless people with the approval of the Mayoralty. Within the bonds of possibility, the Provident Fund tries to relieve aidless families living in Ümraniye by making financial aid and aid in kind. All aggrieved citizens can apply the Provident Fund of our Municipality. Applications made are classified to be delivered to our inspection teams to make examinations at the relevant places. In line with the controls and examinations in relevant areas, Investigation Reports are prepared. Investigation reports are sent to the Assessment Committee to be assessed. The Assessment Committee gathers under the presidency of the Deputy Mayor responsible for Social Welfare Affairs, and the investigations are graded.

Applications are assessed under 4 groups:

13.580 citizens are registered in the Provident Fund of Ümraniye Municipality. 3.819 new applications in total were made in 2007. Among our registered citizens, 6.257 people were given financial aid and aid in kind.

Aids Made with the Decision of the Council
These are aids which were made for the applications of our citizens who live within the borders of our Municipality and somehow have victimhood (Flood, Fire, Serious Disease, etc.) that require emergency aid. These aids were made upon assessment of councilors, in order to relieve the victimhood of them in some degree, and ensure survival of the applicant family. 
In 2007, the number of people given aid upon Council Decision was 111, and in total 172.652,000TL of aid was made. As a result of assessments of the incoming applications by Councilors according to the conditions which are predefined and agreed by investigation teams, the number of people to be aided in that year is defined.

Clothing Aid 
Clothing support is given for fatherless, motherless and aidless children as well as their families living within the borders of our municipality. Aidless families registered in the Provident Fund, can get their desired clothes from the stores predefined by the Municipality, at the defined quantities, at the time of Religious Festivals and when the schools are opened.


Financial Aid 
It is a type of aid for the citizens in the 1st and 2nd grade, registered in the Provident Fund of Ümraniye Municipality. Financial aid is made according to a regular schedule and program, in order to meet the emergency needs (operation, medicine, housing, health, medical stuff, etc.) of our aggrieved citizens.

Within the scope of the operations of the Provident Fund, our Municipality made financial aid for 1.912 aidless people in a year. The total amount of the aids made for these aidless people were 528.550 TL in a year. The average of financial aids made in 2007 is 277TL per person. As one can see, the amount of financial aids is not in the level to make a living. Because the purpose of these aids is to meet the needs of the people in need for a while, enough to prevent them to be in a position with broken human dignity, while being a complete poor.


Provision Aid
It is a type of aid for the citizens in the 1st and 2nd grade, registered in the Provident Fund of Ümraniye Municipality. Weight of parcels delivered to low-income citizens within Ramadan and other months to meet their food needs is 35kg, and their content is highly rich.

Delivery of Bread Coupons
It is a type of aid for the citizens in the 1st and 2nd grade, registered in the Provident Fund of Ümraniye Municipality. Based on the population of the family, it is delivered once to meet the annual bread need. With the bread coupons delivered, our citizens can get their breads from Halk Ekmek (Municipality Bread Brand) Buffets.

Medical Aid
Ümraniye Municipality – Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs help families in need and without any social security get medical stuff, too.

Accessible Table
With the slogan "We Overcome Disabilities Together", the Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs of our Municipality has started its operations regarding the disabled citizens in 2004. For that purpose, Accessible Table was founded under the Provident Fund.



Medical examination, Analysis-Observation and Medicine Aid

Ümraniye Municipality – Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs support families in need and without any social security in their medical examination, analysis and observation, and it also meet the needs of medicine, when necessary.

Service of Accessible Vehicle 
There are 2 accessible vehicles in total, belonging to the Ümraniye Municipality – Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs. Our vehicles are designed to fit the use of the disabled, and they have lifts as well as air conditioners. Physically handicapped citizens with disability report can enjoy these vehicles. The accessible vehicles were put into service upon requests of handicapped citizens, and they are adequate at this time. Handicapped citizens express their satisfaction to our Municipality for these kinds of services of ours.


Circumcision Activities
Our municipality ensures circumcision of children in the low income and aidless families registered in the Provident Fund, with the festival it organizes; besides the municipality gives some gifts for our children.
Aggrieved citizens, who wish to have their children circumcised, apply the Provident Fund a month before the planned festival date, to sign up. When they make their applications, they are given cards stating the date and hour of the circumcision. So, they can have their children circumcised by coming to our Municipality at the date stated on the card. Circumcision costumes, too, are provided for the children by our municipality.

Ramadan Dinner
Ümraniye Municipality gives Ramadan Dinners in every Ramadan Month. In 2007, Ramadan dinners were organized at seven different points. These are; central building, soup kitchen, Yeni Çamlıca Social Facilities and wedding ceremony halls defined in four quarters. The dinners prepared under fairly sterile conditions, accompanied by our City police officers, security staff and cooks, were served in a decent environment, in a fairly orderly and clean way for citizens coming to have their Ramadan dinners.

Bulk Weddings
Wedding costs of couples unable to have their marriage ceremonies performed with their own means are met by our Municipality; and at the bulk marriage ceremonies, marriages of these couples are solemnized.

Halil İbrahim Sofrası Soup Kitchen
It is a unit under the Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs which we founded for people, who doesn't have anyone to cook at home, or the bedridden, too old, or the unfortunate families. At our soup-kitchen, meal for 500 people is cooked, and cooked meals are delivered to homes of the detected families. The Soup Kitchen operates 365 days a year. We provide service with 2 cooks, 2 delivery personnel, 2 drivers and a secretariat composed of 2 people. Satisfaction of families to whom we deliver hot meal is fairly high.

Hot Meal Delivery
From the Soup Kitchen under Ümraniye Municipality - Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs, 3 cups of meal are delivered to detected families, twice a day and 365 days a year. Meals are prepared considering disease statuses and requests of the determined families, in a very sterile environment, according to calorie measurement. It is noticeable that the aggrieved people detected as a result of incoming requests and investigations of our Municipality are solitary, disabled, bedded and old. The condition of hot meal service is that the person must be unable to cook the provision granted. If one has physical and psychological ability to cook, then principally, provision aid is preferred.

Giyinme Mağazası
Kardeş Kumbara Kampanyası ile toplanan ikinci el elbiselerin seçimi, yıkanması, temizlenmesi ve ütülenmesinin ardından bu elbiseler ihtiyaç sahibi ailelere ulaştırılmak üzere giyim mağazamızda sergilenmektedir. Yardım Sandığı'na kayıtlı her mağdur vatandaş, Giyinme Mağazasından yararlanabiliyor. Mağazamız 10.09.2007 tarihinde açılmış olup 130m2 alan içerisinde bulunmaktadır.

Bebek Bezi ve Tek Kullanımlık Bebek Bezi Temini
Bebek Bezi ve Tek Kullanımlık bebek bezi yardımcıları aylık olarak 8'li paket halinde tek seferde teslim edilmektedir. Engelli, yataklı hasta veya felçli hasta durumunu gösteren raporlarını yanında getiren Ümraniyeliler bu yardımdan yararlanabiliyor.

Halit TOK


(+90) 216 335 32 76


Küçüksu Cad No 133(Aşevi) Atatürk Mah. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Cad. No: 63, -1.kat, PK.34761 Ümraniye / İstanbul